Wednesday, 2 April 2008
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"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
Mike Hitchen has alot of problems and I for one think you are all wrong in blasting him this way. It's help he needs, not to be hung drawn and quartered.
Mike has suffered with alcoholism for a number of years, no he doesn't go out to bars and clubs. He drinks at home and I know for a fact that both him and his mother have problems with alcohol.
Please take note of this before blasting him.
Thank you
ok, we'll help him then, we'll help him go to jail so he can get all the help he needs.
He has tried many times to quit drinking without success, and for those that don't know about this disease, you should read up on it. He can't help it. Alcoholism is a disease, it causes memory loss, confusion and severe paranoia. This isn't his fault. Please show compassion
Even if he is a raving alcoholic, that does not justify his behaviour.
His behaviour does justify this blog and all the comments.
Why should he get consideration just because he has another vice?
yes, let's show compassion for a man who fantasises about child abuse shall we? lets ignore all his stories he's published and try and help this man. i'm sure he'll never want to think of Jack as a conquest again.
Well concerned, If you are that concerned about him, perhaps you should be over there giving him a bit of advice on how the human race behaves for starters.
Did Maggot send you over here to plead for him. He is such a coward. I noticed he is saying again that his life is in danger,, a boo hooo, a boo hooo hooo. Tell maggot to do his own dirty work, his sob stories don't wash on us
Mike did not ask me to post this here, I am doing this of my own accord, hoping against hope that you will all lay off him, he has enough problems without you lot adding to them.
Concerned: why aren't you telling Hitchen and his pack to lay off TFA and Jill? They are worthy of concern, not your sick, bully friend.
Concerned:are you Isabel? I know you are fond of the odd bottle of J&B, do you and Maggot compare notes?
You have been very quiet lately come back for more have you?
Will you never learn.
Concern said:
"he has enough problems without you lot adding to them."
Well this particular problem he brought on himself, and no doubt some of the others too, if not all.
Dear Concerned,
Alcoholism is not an extenuating circumstance for criminal behaviour and, like it or not, harassment and libel is criminal behaviour.
If this is some cheap ploy to make people laugh at a "poor sick man" I think it is the wrong approach because alcoholism - whether considered a disease or an addiction - can be overcome by people wit balls. I mean that in the metaphorical sense, not a as jibe.
Manys an alkie goes to jail for crimes committed no doubt because of their alkiness. If he's an alkie it won't save him, all it does is give another reason for making him be forced into receiving help.
Let me see, he lays into that couple who lost their daughter and for being, what he says, swingers. Then lo and behold we find out that he's a sexual deviant.
He also, I recall, had quite a lot to say about this couple's drinking habits too.
Are we starting to see a pattern here>
Mikes problems are of his own making. His unwarranted attacks on TFA, JKH and the rest of us are of his own making. The trouble he has caused to TFA and JKH is of his own making. My compassion is zero. Alcoholism is no excuse for what he has done and is doing and attempting to do - which he would be incapable of carrying out in a drunken state.
Never mind, he'll be dried out in jail
"he has enough problems without you lot adding to them"
Considering he is the one who started this and is trying to cause problems to other people then he should appreciate that his problems have not really started yet. He started it - and it may be true that maggot has an alcohol problem. I tend to think its another of his famous lies geared to get sympathy and donations.
As well as suffering from alcoholism for many years, Mike also has a severe problem with cross-dressing and has been struggling with his homosexual fantasies since childhood. Please don't tell him I told you this. He would hate it if anyone else knew. Please show some compassion. I am afraid for him because he has mentioned suicide because he can't deal with all of this hatred and negativity.
"concerned": "Please don't tell him I told you this" ???
You've just told the whole world by posting it on here. I don't believe you're for real, so please stop your accusations.
This blog is for factual stuff and if you can't provide evidence then please don't waste your time.
Concerned, to answer your 09.11 comment....we know a lot of what you are telling us anyhow. I agree with 09.19 that if you can't provide evidence then don't waste your time. As far as that maggot is concerned and the trouble he has brought on to himself all of his own making I'll quote his own words, "I view those as positive results and any harm done is of no interest to me. I find people's weak spots and twist the sword."
Concderned you talk through a hole in your head. hitchen might be an alcohol abuser but he's not a friend of yours and your not here to save him. does it make you feel important to come here winding us all up.
Concerned, how exactly is this craving, drinking-thinking, planning-for-revenge, intent to cause innocent people trouble, alcoholic going to be motivated to abstain for long enough to weaken those cravings and shut up? The answer is his crap blog closed down, a prison term and a healthy fine.
Pulling the "pity me" card will NOT work. Blaming everyone else or anything else will not work.Inventing an alcohol problem in the hope it will excuse him will not work. Inventing his life is in danger will not work.Inventing that he has suicidal thoughts will not work. Prison would though!
We should also remember that Mr Hitchen himself pushes the hardline no sympathy approach when it comes to the perpetrators of criminal acts. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.
Careful anonymous! He'll take that last sentence and turn it into an imaginary threat and call in his bodyguards again.
Maggot is dragged away smiling as he knows all his worldwide fans and adoring members will all cough up PayPal donations for his bail.
"concerned": (awwww)
Tell the Deviant we're only trying to "help" him. What an ingrate!
You can consider this blog sort of like an Intervention where folks who know Mikey are so "concerned" we've devoted our time and energy to convince him he's needs professional help. The alternative is clearly not something even a maggot could endure.
Like I said, INGRATE!
I wonder if maggot would like to see "concerned's" ISP address? Its probably Tanglewoods!
YOU are telling ME to "please stop MY accusations"?
Then what exactly are you accusing him of in your thong picture on the other page? You are dressing him up like a woman and laughing about it all the time - where is YOUR proof that he actually gets off on doing that?
Read some of his pervy stories concerned. Or do you only look at the pictures
Concerned, you were the one who said he did it.
Anonymous said...
I told you he was a cross-dresser but you would not believe me.
03 April 2008 22:09
Don't back track Honey.
Again, whether he likes to wear garters and frilly dresses is irrelevant. It does not justify his behaviour in trying to have a baby wrested from its loving parents, out of spite. I am sure plenty of, or most, alcoholic cross-dressers are law-abiding citizens so this is no excuse.
he can be a spanky, a cross dresser, or gay. I dont give a flying feck
But he CANOTT write pervy stuff involving fantasies about kids and pose as the 'voice for M'
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