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"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
Tanglewood has definitely visited then. I know her IP from other places. She told maggot she was visiting us to laugh, but I think she's a spy in both camps. We don't want you, all Tangled and twisted like maggot.
Is tanglewood a tart like the rest of them?
I bet tanglewood is maggot too. You know, Tinman=Spanner=Tanglewood could all be one and the same = Maggot.
Maggot has asked in yahoo answers how to go about getting another IP address and how to use proxys and he got a few answers. So, he is doing what he always does and what he does best, Talking a shit load of vomit to himself.
Tanglewood is deadwood
I always found that "Team H" thing highly distasteful and cult-like.
On the other hand, it also made me laugh because it reminded me of "Preparation H", a well-known remedy for hemorrhoids in the US!
We're getting rid of one huge hemorrhoid!!
He is a pimple on the bum of humanity
Preparation H. Internationally renowned arse cream.
Mike H. Internationally renowned arse!
Well, its up to the baby maggots to check the links supplied here - they will find the originator of the posts which we refer to is maggot - then they can form their own conclusions.
Meanwhile his Dream team would be far better skulking off back to the Soc sexuality spanking groups that they are all members of.
Anyone who still backs maggot is obviously as sexually depraved as he is. Now maggot can hide and ask his fans to spy for him and what does that say about him? Full of hot air and wind and empty threats and far too cowardly to come here himself and answer questions put to him....I feel a press release coming on (two can play at that game, twat) not getting much of a mention in the press are you? I wonder why! Can it be that editors have all received cd's of your little preferences and your posts? Can it be that some have sent cd's to so many media?
Sleep well.
That list of all Australia media was soooooo veeeeeery handy, wasn't it? ;)
what makes yo think those are all spies. why do'nt you think they are your own genuine readers. maybe i'ts because you know you do'nt have any genuine readers.
I'm genuine.
tinman how comes you go to bed the same time as hitchen.
Tinman you seem to be a genuine reader you are never away from here.
i do'nt know what time mike goes to bed so i do'nt know why i go to bed at the same time.
your'e so quick to point out the ip adreses as spies but how do you know theyr'e not people who are not spies. they might be on mikes side but come over here anyway
Always asking questions tinman but you never answer any that are directed at you do you?
the only quesion iv'e been asked is why i go to bed at the same time as mike and i tried to asnwer it but since i do'nt know the answer i cannot answer
Oh no tinman you have been asked plenty of questions but you evade them all.
Now as it is nearing your bed time I will bid you good night i'm sure you've had a hard day.
I wonder if Mike does know who his spies are? I mean the ones on his shit blog who are working for us! He thinks he can trust his dream team - he would be surprised at some names that opted over here ages ago and who no longer are loyal to him.
I'm sure a lot of us would be surprised to know who we've got here. But it doesn't matter if everyone's incognito. It's what we DO that counts.
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