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"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
It's Maggot who takes things out of context.
He knows these things will appear out here so we realise he genuinely does not fear anything. He believes he is totally untouchable to be able to continue to goad the police into further action.
You've written a few discrepancies Maggot. I'm sure you'd want them pointing out to you.
*This alleged police officer expressed a personal opinion.
The police are actually encouraged to act on their instincts even if there is no immediate proof to hand - within the letter of the law of course. With you, thanks to this blog, there is plenty of proof to hand. If you are breaking the law the policeman can tell you straight out that this is the case. It is not expressing personal opinion, it is stating the bleedin obvious. She says she "can understand Mr Young's distress". of course she can, any sane person can. She is within her rights to say that.
*She compromises Data Protection by the mention of Young's daughter. The emails I received from the NSPCC and Bradford Social Services, were very careful not to indicate one way or another, the existence of other family members.
More baloney. Jeremy Young has taken out a case against you it seems, and has given them all the details of what you are doing. The policewoman has contacted you and can mention any relevant facts that she wishes to. NSPCC and Bradford Social Services may not have done so because YOU were the one who contacted them and they could not be sure what you did and did not know. I do believe, by publishing the content of the email to your forum that it is YOU who is in breach of the DPA.
* She uses the phrase "apparent hate crime". Normally it would be "alleged". In any case, all incidents such as this are "harassment" and are dealt with by either a court order or a restraining order.
You say normally it would be "alleged". How do you know that? Have you been in this position before? Otherwise how DO you know that?
But once again, you have twisted the actual words to suit your own ends. According to your reproduction of her email she said "It appears that Mr Young is the target of some sort of hate campaign". Not at all the same thing as what you are now claiming, is it? Be honest. Also, note the use of the words "It appears". There's the "alleged" that you say was missing, only in different words.
And yackity yackity yack.
I so hope you have responded in the way you say, and that you've written to her commanding officer because it is all more reason for them to think you are not exactly rational.
Your sites will be closed down and we have plenty of time to wait for the day.
Good post, anon.
Yes, we do have plenty of time to wait for the day. We wouldn't want this blog to become redundant too soon, would we? There's plenty more to come yet.
anon @ 11.06 sounds like a copper to me and if they are'nt they know their stuff.
Mr Hitchen, you would be more than surprised if you knew the professions of some the contributors here. And because of their professions they will know a dang sight more about the way the police and legal eagles turn their cogs than you ever could.
It's not just Mike Hitchen who needs carted away the whole bloody lot of you need locking up, do you know any of the people you mention personally all you know is what they choose to tell you, me well today I am Bill Gates.
Troll alert.
Ok, before we go any further - I have contacted NewsNow and they accept urls to posts from the author and they then decide if they will publish his/her post or not.
Maggot simply sends up his posts to them - they do NOT trawl the internet to find posts to print on their website. Maggot must think we are really naive.
Of course the police access this blog - how else do you think they have got the evidence they are using?
According to a friend in the Police I can assure maggot that they write that type of email as he quotes. I also know how his blog can be removed (and no, it will NOT require a court order) for obvious reasons I can't go into details because I don't want to forewarn him, but while he has certainly captured their interest please allow him his myopic comments - give him enough rope eh?
Mike please don't go to bed yet. Please come in here and have some fun. Come on, you did it before. What's wrong? ARE YOU TOO SCARED TO COME BACK BECAUSE YOU KNOW THERE ARE MANY MORE OF US HERE THAN YOU HAVE POSTING ON YOUR FORUM?
But doesn't that make you a coward running scared?
Ah all these members names with their individual ISP addresses! all aiding and abetting maggot and all are accessories! Tanglewood is going to get Tangledup soon - hope its worth the price.
Looks like lots of us have frineds in the force. And why not, many of them are nice people.
From what we're all saying it is very clear that there is nothing unusual, illegal or unprofessional about the email sent to Hitchen from the PC. All above board and the start of something quite serious.
Good on you blog owner. Store them all up as evidence. It's thanks to you that we have got to this point. Wish I knew who you are but understand it's got to remain a secret.
Oh maggot, you are so far up your own arse that your head will soon be sticking out your mouth.
Do you honestly think that you can scare the Police with useless threats? Do you think they will run scared and say " oh deary, we better leave this award winning international blogger to get on with it or he will have our names in the news online and we will look real bad"? You IDIOT. More likely they will say "who the F does this Welsh reject think he is, does he think he is famous and important, I'll show him who is boss, I won't let him away with writing those pervy stories about children, I won't allow him to break our laws by stalking two respectable well known reputable bloggers."
Remember when you lived in the homeless place maggot? Pack your bags, you're moving
He lived in the hostel? And the bugger reckoned he worked there. Worked for his keep, I expect. It makes sense now.
Thank you annoymouse for piece of information regarding police, I don't give a damn about your TFA JKH and MH what I do give a damn about is when my 14yr old daughter tries to get information for a scool project and comes up with the filth in here, I have been watching this site for a week and I have reported it to the police, before you protect anyone else's children you should consider it could be your child reading this filth.
Anon at 14.56, piss off if you don't give a damn about them. Some of us don't have children of an age where we would have to worry about them reading it. You look after your own and don't come on here trolling. Your'e the annoying mouse.
anon 14.56
You should allow your child to be reading Hitchens blog. Did you not know he grooms people and he's really not very child friendly if you know what I mean.
sorry should have said
'Should NOT allow your child'
Thank you for your reply 15-03, do you speak for everyone here when you say because you do not have children this filth dosen't matter, seems to me everyone else who does have children here needs protection from you. As for allowing my child she was trying to access a reference library my child is supervised when using the computer
Did I say I didn't have children that age? Uh, don't think so. Didn't say I didn't either. Why do you think we're all here doing what we're doing? To get this filth off the air. Quit your presumptions and go install parental block on your computer. Leave those of us here doing a real job of getting the filth off the air. We don't need your insults. You know what's out there so don't leave your 14 year old unsupervised.
Supervise your daughter while online. You really don't want her hitting on maggots blog again, he would try to snatch her up. He is a pervert, mind you 14 could well be a little old for him.
If you care to read this blog you will see at first hand what kind of man Mr Hitcypoo is.
If you really are a parent you would not allow you child near his blog.
anon-Its Hitchens filfth not ours.
Don't let your Daughter anywhere near him.
By the way anon if you did supervise your Daughter you would know this blog is rated a PG.
Thank you anonymous 16-23 for your advice rest assured none of my children will visit any of the blogs concerned again, but could anonymous 17-38 please point me to where the warning sign is on this blog I seem to have overlooked it.
Who said anything about warning signs? No one did. You were told the site is rated PG.
A Fan - Theres no telling some people if she wants to find the PG rating she will and if she's being honest she will not allow her kids on Maggots blog.
anon - You know which one i'm talking to, if you had been watching this blog for a week you would know what it is all about which is trying to stop a pervert/liar/cheat.
I don't believe what you say and have no idea what your game is, but you certainly aren't here as a concerned Parent if you were you would not allow your children to access MH blog...
Any fool on the www know's excatly what is going on with him and this blog so stop acting the innocent.
I really can't imagine what it was she was googling for when she got here.
After all, no child would be looking for maggot's 'real' blog.
The child is as real as the schoolchildren Mike claims visit his blog for research. Pure fiction!
Trying to access a reference library, was she? This alleged 14 year old daughter.
Rubbish! Absolute rubbish.
Try googling reference library and see what happens. Not a sign of these blogs. Not one. 14 year olds are pretty dang savvy and if they wanted to find a particular library then they would google its name.
Also, schoolkids, even if they found maggots blog, they wouldn't give it the time of day. Its boring. schoolkids don't do boring. he might use the word trendy in his pathetic attempt at a strapline but trendy is not a word kids use. its a word us olds use when we think we're hip to the vibe on da streets. and yeh, I know that's not strictly street but then I dont pretend to know about stuff.
twas maggot looking for attention again. He's getting so lonely with only 2 fans left.
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