Why does he always attack spelling?
"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
He attacks spelling because its just another little thing to make him sound better than anyone else. Fact is, when he forgets to spellcheck things his own spelling is f*cking terrible!
But if you pointed that out to him he's say it didn't matter because Aussie's don't care about that sort of thing.
Spelling, it's the only time he has any proof of some body doing something wrong.
He sure as hell can't prove any thing else.
Analysing Hitchen's latest offerings you can see a drowning man. He knows he's lost and has taken on that petulant sulky whining tone that is unattractive in kids, never mind so-called "grown men".
I don't he ever took us seriously over here when we said that truth would win in the end. We are going to get justice for Jeremy Young and Jill Havern because they have done nothing wrong yet find themselves on the receiving end of such an uncalled for, viscious attack.
The people who have joined in and laughed over everything, especially laughing and joking over stillborn babies, need to seek help because they have big problems.
Hitchen says in his blog he's going nowhere. I beg to differ.
No, he's completely right about that.
He IS going nowhere!
Exactly, unless it's to Iraq :)
He aint man enough to go to Iraq.
Funny how he brags about enjoying ruining peoples' lives yet loses this fight to a bunch of women!!!
i think this blog is possibly the first of its kind for gathering evidence to catch a criminal...?
There's plenty of evidence, just some things cannot be shared in public right now but silence should not be taken for either a lack of information or evidence.
Maggot, Promise to say good bye when you leave blog sphere wont you :), naaaa don't bother. You won't be missed by anyone.
You are the weakest link
But please come and say hello to us when you're in the clink.
The police certainly have the right to respond to a resident of another country who addressed them first with fabricated lies!
The maggot wasted police time, regularly claims that TFA is "known" to the police and even put a link up to the Bradford police without their authorisation. Now he complains that they wrote to him?
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