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"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
Maggot himself has published the personal details of his contacts in the Bradford Social Services and the police force so if you wanted to let them know about this, it would be quite easy. It would also prove that he has failed to take heed of what the police told him - ie to STOP harassing this family. Not only has he not stopped, he has upped the ante by turning on Mrs TFA. As if she cares about a two-bob moron on the other side of the world - get over yourself maggot!
Anyroad up, if you can't find the contact details for the two contacts above, I'll be happy to post them here for you to use - it's nothing he's not done himself so he can't exactly complain!
Hes a boring old Fart.
Stop asking what our agenda is Maggot we have told you, maybe you could tell us yours now.
Oh FFS Hitchen could that hole you're diggin for yourself get any bigger.
I think TFA and JKH can sit back now and watch the Government departments shut Hitchen up - and also imprison him. Then he can finally be like his dear dead daddy - hounded by the Government -he's digging his own grave and I am so pleased to read his diatribe. More ammunition for those "in power" who are following him with interest.
And when he's in prison this blog owner will be receiving an award and I don't mean a fcuking blog award.
A MEDAL more like.
Hitchen would be better writing a book called...
How to dig your own grave and bury ones self.
He's just trying to get a reaction from TFA.
It won't work Maggot.
Agreed he's just trying to get a reaction which is hilarious when you consider TFA doesn't come anywhere near this blog anymore - he's a bit busy with nice baby things.
Maggot is surprised that the family is considered suitable to have a baby. HAHAHAHAHA! What does he know about family? And more specifically, what does he know about THAT family?
He lost the battle and we all know it. His ego refuses to let him give it up. Sad, bitter, twisted - that's maggot.
Lost the battle and lost the WAR.
Pathetic - all anyone has to do is read Hitchen's shocking child in the stable story to realise that it is Hitchen who is the demented pervert. He has no credibility whatsoever. How he can call himself a serious blogger who cares about child welfare is beyond me - its definitely a case of multiple personality disorder.
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