What is it Mike Hitchen calls Jeremy Young? A slum dwelling housing association tenant?
It would seem that Mike Hitchen is a council flat dwelling tenant himself.
It would seem that Mike Hitchen is a council flat dwelling tenant himself.

Mike Hitchen, taking a picture of himself in a traffic light, outside his council flat
Fcuking hypocrite.
Pots and Kettles!!
Very funny!
Hitchen you have lost! WHY WHY WHY do you continue to make a fool of yourself?
This blog owner is making it their business to disprove everything you say, your whole miserable life is on the net put there by you if I were you I would stop now before anything else comes to light.
Jesus creepers! with the way this blog owner is going she/he will know what Hitchen had for his breaky a week last Monday.
I'm begining to think they are Private Eyes.
cornflakes and toast
Told ya so!!!!
What a numpty!
OT...I'm just eating a bar of rock someone very kindly brought back from their Hols...
Welcome back! you know who you are
No, on that day he had toast, the following day he had cornflakes. NOT that he is being watched closely.
I'd quite like to know why he has a PO box? Wonder what gets sent to him in the post that he don't want Mommy to see.
This blog owner has got you bang to rights Hitchen every single word you write they can PROVE beyond a shadow of doubt that you are lying.
Just pack it in, retract what you have said and get on with what's left of your nasty little existence.
You're onto a loser mate.
I beg to differ, anon at 15.54. He did indeed have cornflakes and toast. This was at the Starbucks internet cafe in Chatswood where he was accessing his fan mail on this site.
He lives in that cement slum? I split my sides! Council accommodation over here is far superior. He lives in THAT and rebukes TFA for his home, roflmfao - time to send flyers to all his neighbours I think. Time Hitchen received what he is dishing out to innocent people that live in the same hovel and also all local schools and shops - I am off to send a lot of letters. It's £10 in postage very well spent.
If he lives by the Abo's he's done for.
He probably gets the DOLE as well as Housing benefit.
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