"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
Apart from the obivous, one of the reasons I admire this blog owner is because they have the GUTS NOT to put comment mod on...Unlike Hitchen and that of his supporters who have blogs and have enabled comment mod.
Well done to you for the courage you have shown unlike Hitchen & Co
Thanks Mike! you have just closed a legal loophole for me so I can post your name all over the planet and your business name and your perverted habits and link everything right back to you and there is SOD ALL you can do about it because you have stated that "anything of yours can be posted anywhere"......so I'm off to link your business to your sexual tastes.....now try and earn a living and try not leech off your momma. heh.
Anything written by Hitchen, he is clear on that, but this seems to be emails sent by a third party? Has that person, if he/she actually exists, authorised their further use?
Thanks Mike - I'll send flyers to all the residents in that slum dwelling that you and your Mother live in and all details that show its you. I am sure they'll be thrilled to learn that they have a pervert living with them. How's Mummy going to get you out of this latest mess?
Bet he's eating his words now.
Such sweet irony!
Apart from the obivous, one of the reasons I admire this blog owner is because they have the GUTS NOT to put comment mod on...Unlike Hitchen and that of his supporters who have blogs and have enabled comment mod.
Well done to you for the courage you have shown unlike Hitchen & Co
post 23.30
Thats how it goes when you have dirty little secrets, no back bone and have a lot to hide...
Oh and when you don't beleive in freedom of speech.
Thanks Mike! you have just closed a legal loophole for me so I can post your name all over the planet and your business name and your perverted habits and link everything right back to you and there is SOD ALL you can do about it because you have stated that "anything of yours can be posted anywhere"......so I'm off to link your business to your sexual tastes.....now try and earn a living and try not leech off your momma. heh.
Anything written by Hitchen, he is clear on that, but this seems to be emails sent by a third party? Has that person, if he/she actually exists, authorised their further use?
Thanks Mike - I'll send flyers to all the residents in that slum dwelling that you and your Mother live in and all details that show its you. I am sure they'll be thrilled to learn that they have a pervert living with them. How's Mummy going to get you out of this latest mess?
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