Wednesday, 12 March 2008

More charm abuse from Mike Hitchen


Anonymous said...

Wot's a tnenat?

Anonymous said...

This Blog isn't even tfa's, Someone is feeding Maggot the wrong info.

Anonymous said...

Your'e the one Maggot that talks about Spanking school kids. It's not tfa who is the child abuser.

Anonymous said...

A tnenat is a tnenat regarless of what kind of property they are a tnenat of. You pay rent maggot which makes you a tnenat too.

Spin on that.

Anonymous said...

I am a council house tnenat and proud of it. It doesn't make me less of a person. In fact it prolly makes me a better person as I have no pretentions of self-importance, unlike you Hitchen. You are nothing but a jumped up worm crawling from the long dead corpse of what little humanity you were born with.

Anonymous said...

Erm...I am a Housing association tnenat and I take exception to your remarks hitchen, who the hell do you think you are.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Not a very successful man either by the looks of it. You're still going strong Jill, and Freddie will be born soon into a very loving family.
Hitchen's a tnenat living with his mama who he hates. That makes no people that love him and no people he loves.