Mike Hitchen invites the "Dead Ethels" to pop to the chemist for a permanent solution to all their problems.
"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
You must not look in the mirror when talking to yourself.
Hey I like this blog. It's so interesting to see how non-achieving, socio-professional spastics act in downtown Hicksville. Funny how there are so many of you, and only one of me - and I'm still standing. What's the matter boy? Couldnt you guys find an American to rescue you like normal:)
BTW, there is no Ethel.
Oh I just wona nother Battle of The Blogs. Just aint no stopping quality. Look that word up in the dictionary
Hey Young - in your sick poem, you ask what did you do for Ethel to leave you. There are few people would like to know that. Just what did you do boy?
Hey Young - in your sick poem, you ask what did you do for Ethel to leave you. There are few people would like to know that. Just what did you do boy?
Join the campaign now to save Jeremy Young's child from a twisted, slum dwelling junkie, who even Beehive find creepy.
Wait till the flyers go around the Beehive Inn
Ethel is not Jeremy's baby's real name you dickhead. He's hardly likely to mention her real name on the internet is he? Just like TFA isn't his real name and his wife's real name isn't missus and the new baby's name isn't Freddie!
Bit too difficult for you to work that out though.
Still, I laugh when I think of the hours you have spent researching the wrong name, you saddo!
Yeah, just wait till the flyers go round. Then you're life won't be worth living. Come on - DO IT!
Why did Hitchen feel he had to change from using one ID to using the other in the space of 2 minutes? To try to make it look like he's got an army, ready for when he's willing to march into hell?
Hey Maggot, newsflash. You won't be marching into hell. You'll be dragged there kicking and screaming. I feel you're actually in a living hell just now otherwise your mind would work sanely.
He boasts that he's still standing. Well of course he is, he's hiding on the other side of the world and I'm not wasting the airfare just to visit Burns Bay Road to make him sit down.
Standing, sitting, lying prone over somebody's knee, who cares. In any position you are a sleazy maggot who's time is running out.
Keep singing your swansong. Go out with all guns blazing. Be our guest.
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