Actually, most of your 'hackers' are actually people who log in at your invitation Mike - they're just not on your side as you think they are that's all. :)
"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
Why does he keep thinking we need to hack when we're so clearly alive and well in there? We've been members from the start, obviously. Maybe somebody's trying to get in but it sure as hell isn't us. We do not need to try - we succeed!
Mike you are totally clueless on everything and make yourself in to a proper twat with all these ridiculous statements.
We're in already!
All right already!?
I know exactly what you mean. I was in there not long ago but I sure wasn't hacking. God, it's so boring in there.
Mike you haven't got a clue who to trust have you?
We are not hacking we are there we don't have to hack
What's the ausi bugger whinging about? Hacking gives the buggers something to moan about. They should be grateful. It's one big yawn in there.
We're watching you Hitchy but who are we
He's got tickets on himself. Don't tell us, we can guess. It must have been that international hacking ring again after they heard how influential you are *rolls eyes* Come on Maggot aka EGCMG. You forgot about FIGJAM.
It's so short-sighted of him to think JKH or TFA are behind this. What makes him think they are? Does he really think only those two have it in for him? An orderly queue formed months ago.
TFA's baby is due any tick of the clock, like he could be bothered doing this?
Hilariously, if he really does believe they are behind this he has been right royally taken the piss out of because that would mean they had managed to fool him to get entry to his forum. LOL. He'll claim he has let them in to keep an eye on them or some such crap. I don't even know if either of them are in there. It doesn't matter, enough of us are.
I definitely don't think TFA is behind this blog and i don't know why Maggot is blaming EVERYTHING on TFA. TFA is obviously too busy with his own blog and awaiting the birth of his new baby. This blog took someone a lot of time so I doubt its TFA. That's what i've been wondering, why is Maggot making TFA the scapegoat? But you know how Mags gets fixated on people and TFA is just another one of his obsessions.
I think Maggot is inventing this. He is not showing evidence and anyone can go off line or stop comments for a time then state "a hacker took me off line" and of course in doing so he gets sympathy and more money sent to him and to keep the spotlight on him as a victim.
I could bring this git down as so could many IT people but we won't right now because it suits us not to do so. However he should be advised that there are a few people who really can do this and we may or may not choose to do so after he has spent a lot of time and effort in setting up a new website and got it up and running.
Before he blames friends of TFA or JKH I can assure you that we are not friends of either of these guys but we ARE ex members who he took money from and then banned us.
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