Mariana Faithful supports 'Child at Risk' campaign in her comment box - then closes her comment box. Too late, Mariana, we've got it!
"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
They're more likely to take action against the unwarranted harrassment and cyberstalking. If the flyers actually do go round, there's jail time in it for some moron.
Is Mariana the transvestite?
Why do people insist on using unflattering pictures of themselves for their profiles? Is it because they're actually ugly and the profiles are the best they can do?
Take this Marianabanana chick - she's well ugly on the inside and out.
I've pointed them to that site Mariana thanks and I've also pointed them here, there and everywhere. The bottom line is the same. There is no case against "Mr Y" (as Mike for some reason relishes in TFA being named.)
All that time and hatred wasted for nothing. Well, not nothing because the authorities now have him on their radar.
Who is he going to plot agsinst now and only make himself a bigger twat in the process I wonder?
Ho ho, from her blog, about that video on youtube they were all raving about.
Madeleine McCann - The Betrayal Of Madeleine
Added: 3 weeks ago
From: MariannaZF
Views: 3,087
Ratings have been disabled for this video.
21 ratings
Rating = 3 out of 5 stars
No wonder she disabled the rating of her video when she could only muster 3 out of 5.
I hate people who would rather ban comments than face the truth. It is pure cowardice. Remind you of anyone, eh Maggot?
How the Needham Family allow this Woman to be associated with Ben is beyond me.
Perhaps they're not aware of her 'hidden agenda' for supporting some creep who is hell bent on trying to have an unborn baby removed from his parents.
Anonymous said...
Perhaps they're not aware of her 'hidden agenda' for supporting some creep who is hell bent on trying to have an unborn baby removed from his parents.
17 March 2008 11:57
Well they're gonna be.
How can a woman who claims to care about Ben Needham and Madeleine MCcann support Mike Hitchen in taking an unborn baby away from his parents.God this Man is into spanking kids.
I have seen Kerry on the TV supporting the MCcanns, yet someone who runs the Ben Needham site slags the MCcanns off.
They are not singing from the same hymn sheet.
I know Mariana for a long time. The only thing I say to all of you is that when she finds you -and she will-, you wont be laughing.
Enjoy while you can.
Hello david... or should I say Mike:)
According to the stat counter it was maggot who just left this message:)
Mariana's a bloke dressed up :))
hey, Mike, I mean david, can't you use your other ip address when you want to pretend you're someone else? can't you use the one you tried hacking hobnob's account with?
How stupid are you?
I am in America. Hitchen is in Australia.
Can't you see the difference in IP's?
So Mariana the transvestite wants the social services to take action on tfa does she?
She supports maggot who writes about taking advantage of children does she?
"I was thinking of a cute, naive boy who I had taken advantage of. I was not proud of what happened with Jack. This time he was not a conquest." Mike Hitchen 16/09/03
She's such a hypocritical witch.
"david" said...
I know Mariana for a long time. The only thing I say to all of you is that when she finds you -and she will-, you wont be laughing.
Enjoy while you can.
Why won't we be laughing "David"? What exactly is this person who is supposed to be so caring going to do to us, eh? What sort of threat are you giving us on her behalf? Come on big man "David", tell us straight - no hints.
How is she going to "find" us?
You're so full of it, just like Hitchen. Empty promises? Thought so.
Listen, I don't know anything about Hitchen and I don't care to know. I am English but live in America.
All I care is Mariana, because she is a fine person and very well educated. She is aware of this blog and she will inform the authorities about the slunder against her.
What you are doing is just wrong.
what we're doing is wrong?
trying to stop a child at risk campaign is wrong?
she can't be very well educated if she can't be arsed to seek the truth instead of just taking maggot at his word can she?
the word you're looking for is gullible, not educated.
or are you saying it's ok to take a baby away from his parents because they're not well educated like wot mariana is?
What about the 'slunder' that she is supporting from Mike Hitchen?
She cannot complain about 'sluder' when she is supporting 'slunder' herself.
She is clearly supporting maggot's child at risk campaign. She is a member of his blog and discusses this campaign in there with the rest of the devil worshippers.
You're English now are you "David". Your first message here sounded like English was not your first language, but maybe Maggot started off intending to make you sound foreign but then changed his mind.
I hope she does report it to the authorities, just like we have. The more authorities who become aware of the hitchen the better. Maybe Mariana is not all bad after all. Go on mariana - draw the authorities attention to this site please.
You've not answered yet about the threat you made on mariana's behalf "David". What is she going to do to us once she finds us? Come on big talker.
Slunder = a little known term used amongst the cross-dressing/pre-op transexual community to describe the action involved in tucking one's schlong away between the legs in order to create the illusion of being female.
Come on Mariana, report this to the authorities and let's see how they react when they see you are actually part of a team of 'child at risk' campaigners who want to have an unborn baby taken away and have flyer's distributed in pubs in Bradford so that, presumably, people find Jeremy and beat him up?
Is that what you want?
Come on, do it! Let's get this campaign of maggots stopped.
Or is really what we can expect from well educated people? They just trample all over the not-so-well-off do they and find ways to get babies taken away from their parents?
What the hell are you doing hosting a website for children when you are so clearly on a mission to destroy the life of another unborn baby?
Come on Mariana, inform the authorities and let's see where it gets you.
aw, poor mariana she doesn't like slunder! how do you think Jeremy feels about maggot's slunder that he's a child abuseror jk's a stalker?
not nice is it mariana?
"I think maggot deliberately roped mariana into his 'blog war' (the one he claims he's won, even though it's still on-going!)"
I took note of the above and looked at Mariana's site comments. I quote:
"Great site Mariana, thanks for directing me to it."
Assuming it is Hithen, who has written the above, I can tell you that Hitchen knew about her site. Mariana did not direct him to it.
So please leave Mariana out of your problems with Hitchen.
Wot I want to know Daivd is why the lovely Mariana slags off the Mccanns but Ben Needhams Mother doesn't, rather srtange don't you think.
You've not yet told us what she'll do to us when she finds us David. Come on - you made the threat on her behalf. Follow through.
No! She is part of his team who is trying to have an unborn baby removed from his parents!
She is an accessory to a disgusting campaign!
Of course it's hitchen who left the message on mariana's blog. he's the one who created that blog about the child at risk.
'Leave her out of it' it was her who stuck herslef right in the middle of it, if she can't stand the heat fuck off out the kitchen.
click on this yahoodave
No! She is part of his team who is trying to have an unborn baby removed from his parents!
She is an accessory to a disgusting campaign!
Listen to me you idiot. Mariana hates the English secret adoption courts. Look at her illegal adoption videos. Give me more info man and I will make sure she hears about this. She refuses to look at this site. Stop sending her spam mails. I am in communication with her as I write this. No need for that if you want her on your side.
how can she be on our side when she's supporting maggot to get an unborn baby taken away?
Hey Dave my name is Anna Stewart, you go tell her, I believe she is looking for me, tell her i'm here and waiting and waiting and waiting.
and don't call me an idiot.
Don't turn it round now "David" to try to get us on side. Your game is too bleeding obvious. You came on here and told us
"The only thing I say to all of you is that when she finds you -and she will-, you wont be laughing. Enjoy while you can."
You were most definite with that statement so don't now try to pretend you'll be a go-between for us to turn Mariana onto the truth.
Dont tell us Dave that she doesn't no about Hitchen and his liking of spanking school kids, how he has made jokes about MM
I asked, she has never heard of you.
We do not want Mariana on our side EVER. She is on hitchen's side and she'll realise that was a big mistake to make once it all comes out.
So long as you understand that, we'll have no imisunderstandings.
Oh, and don't call anybody here an idiot. Don't you know you're meant to say "magic"?
If she's never heard of Anna then how the hell is she going to find her (and you have promised she will find her) and make her regret the day???
Still waiting for you to tell us what Mariana is going to do to us.
David just like Hitchen can't answer a straight forward question.
If you have come here to put Mariana in a good light you haven't done a very good job.
Don't come here and threaten us Mate, Jesus you can't even carry out your threats.
Bugger off
Hello David it's me Anna i'm still waiting!
Have I got time to make a cuppa or will I miss something?
Who's going on about secret adoption courts? Have we mentioned that at all? Furnish yourself with the facts before you come on here with your half-baked threats that you refuse to elaborate on, despite being asked a good few times.
We are happy to be viewed as idiots by you and yours. More than happy. It's not us that's on the way to hell.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Stay by all means though "David", you're exactly like hitchen. Fun to toy with.
When her lawyer issues the writs you will find out.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, YYYYYAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNN.
ah, she must be minted then if she can afford lawyers. it might work the other way around then and jeremy can sue her!
Hey David why does she support a perv like Hitchen? A perv who by his own admission enjoys spanking school kids.
Come David tell us.We are all ears
And when she finds me I will get a Lawyer too. Both you and her have made a threat towards me, so i'll see what my Lawyer has to say about that.
Ermmm!! excuse me David but what on earth are you talking about???
Oh one more thing David! Hitchen and his supporters have openly accused the MCCanns of Murder, and all manner of things. Does Mariana agree with that?
Don't bore us with Lawyers, I think the MCCanns Lawyers are going to be more than interested in Hitchen and his supporters, Don't you David?
Have you read this quote from the maggot, yahoodave? This is who your well educated friend supports! Nice eh?
"I was not proud of what happened with Jack" Father Brian was singing My Way, and my body was singing a Bohemian Rhapsody. I turned on my stomach, rubbing myself against the coarse bedspread." Mike Hitchen (the 'voice' for missing 3 year old Madeleine McCann) 16 Sept 2003
I feel sick
I come from a land down under
where women glow and men thunder
And when you hear the thunder
You better run, from the "slunder"
Where's David gone?
Ahh!! Come out and play David don't be shy!!
Anonymous said...
I come from a land down under
where women glow and men thunder
And when you hear the thunder
You better run, from the "slunder"
17 March 2008 16:13
Oh crap! I'm frightened!!
Unlike other Blogs this is the only one open to comments.
Do people have something to hide? It's the only thing I can think of.
Hello yahoodave
Thank you for coming over here to threaten us on behalf of Mariana and to let us know what kind of person she is and how she is aware of this site.
The Needhams are also now aware of this site and of Mariana's involvement in a 'child at risk' campaign.
Have a nice day.
"David", you suddenly disappeared. Could that be because it became beddy byes time in Australia? You were up late hitchypoo, weren't ya? Have a bit of a lie in tomorrow morning, we won't miss you too much.
I think that is why she has sent David to threaten you people.
She is scared this is going to get back to the Needham family! and so she should be.
Being associated with known perv is not a good idea when you are running a blog about a missing child.
This seems to be the thread where it's at, so just a reminder about meeting in the shoutbox at 8pm tonight. I've got big news and we need to get our heads together for the next stage. Hope nobody's going on holiday over the next couple of weeks ;)
Unless it's to the Land Down Under...
Elmer said he's going there on a business trip and he's going to buy maggot a beer, as it were :)
Will do.
Cheers mate, see you at 8, or maybe a few minutes after.
I'll be there at about 8.30.
Can somebody email me the URL of the shouty again - had to reboot my laptop.
Guess who? (John). S, you've got my addy
Anonymous said...
Can somebody email me the URL of the shouty again - had to reboot my laptop.
Guess who? (John). S, you've got my addy
17 March 2008 17:30
Will do it now
See you later.
How come this mariana woman gets her 'heavies' to do her dirty work anyway? Is she too scared to come here and talk to us herself? Ashamed is she, for being found out about her vindictive child at risk campaign?
God knows why the Needhams want anything to do with this malicious person.
Chaps, I can't make it into the SB tonight. I'm off to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the Alhambra. I'll look out for any fliers in the pub later ;)
Scorpio eh Mariana got a bit of a sting in your tail, just how Hitchen likes it eh!.
You go for it Honey.
Primavera Post subject: Re: THE SECRET FORUMPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:51 am
You're Nicked
Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:08 pm
Posts: 284
Location: Casa nostra Looking at referring URLs for my blog, a person who had left offensive comments had come via chimpandtiger. I got asked for a password just to access the site. So, I didn't see any of the site at all.
"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest."
Elie Wiesel
I didn't leave offensive comments, merely critical ones, and that was on mariana's blog.
QED Mariana=Primavera on the 3As
mariana is primavera?
I heard she was a well known troll on the 3As
hahaha... is her alter ego called David :)
The David who came in here yesterday to threaten us? :)
i woz scared
I swear I can see an Adams apple.
He had me shakin in me shooz, did David Michael David.
So glad he's left us alone now - all a-tremble, so I was.
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