Wednesday, 12 March 2008
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"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
Oh look the Bradford child abuser has a new blog.
Please keep going my little housing associatioon tnenat. Copston Grove is far nicer though
Ahh Come out to play have we Mike
He's sooooo easy to lure out ain't he ;)
Is that it Mike?
I'm quakin in me boots!!
The Ausie Spanker strikes again!
Thought you didn't read such Blogs as this Hitchen. Lied AGAIN...Nothing new there then!
So says Maggot, the "man" who lives with his mama and takes photos of her breasts, and shares a two bed pissy apartment on a busy road, the "man" who can't rub together $6 for his shoutbox, the "man" who scrounges money off his supporters, tries to act all superior over people who live in areas where they have troubles.
Most of your supporters live in deprived areas Maggot. You're being very rude to them ;)
You are going down Maggot thats for sure.
How is Your Darling Izzy today? Does she like her pics...It's an improvement init.
This is too easy - when I have an argument I like it to be with someone who has an IQ larger than their age.
It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Hi Folks,
Nice to see you all in one place - a generation lost in space.
Jeremy is about to become famous. Wait till the flyers go around the Bradford pubs.
Come on Big Man is that all you have got to say for yourself? Not like you to be so shy.
Yeah right Maggot. You love to make bold statements.
Hey Maggot your vile gob is all over the net, It will be here forever and everyone will know just what you are.
But don't forget Michael, as we have proved time and time again......
Anything you can do we can (and will) do better.
We can do anything better than you.
Which one of your willing attack dogs will you be getting on board to distribute alleged flyers I wonder?
I bet Izzy would jump on a plane for you.
Are you trying to get us to warn the Bradford pubs to be on the lookout for a fat ugly bird (either in a wheelchair or not ;)) with scraggy bleach blonde hair, distributing libellous flyers about an innocent man?
Nah, not even you can be so stupid. No wait, you can. As we see here with all the glorious evidence on this site.
Tell me Mike will Izzy be doing a spot of Table dancing while she is here. Jeez!! I hope not.
It is not a very nice sight you have to admit.
Not a nice sight, you're right there. But a damn funny one :)
Ever heard the phrase, "Get a life"?
It was written for you, Mr Hitchen.
That told him. Fled with his tail between his legs like the coward he is. Thought he was a match for us over here. Thinks he's untouchable in Australia.
The police are coming his way, fact!
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