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"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
Small things amuse small minds.
Well what do you expect from a fellow Perv.
She's after Queen Isabel's crown. Watch out Izzy.
I love the label on this - "silly cow". LOL
Marianne finds it all funny because she is an odd ball too. While maggot is a girl screaming to get out of a male body (sort of male body) Marianne is a man trapped in a female body (sort of female body). Look at the face of her, no way thats a girl. It's a she man.
Tend to agree with you A Fan the more i look at her the more i think man, man, man.
How can a woman like her, who is suppose to be a voice for children, support maggot, when she can see what he says about TFA and Ethel. It's not as if there is only one side to the story available. It's plain to see who the liar and trouble maker is. It's also plain to see that it is maggot who has an unhealthy sexual desire regarding kids. It's all there for her to read. Yet she has her nose so far up maggots arse she can only see shit. How the fuck can a woman like her be a voice for kids. She has lost all credability when she began supporting a maggot who fantasises about spanking young teenagers and accuses a good man of being a paedo with no proof whatsoever.
She is a nutter too.
Marianna have you had a shave this morning? looks like you need one girl/mann whatever!!
Morning Mike, Hope you are having a good read
mariana faithful said...
It has become crowded, hasn't it Mike?
March 12, 2008 4:19 AM
Crowded with what Mariana? Pedo's
Morning Maggoty maggot, are you up on the prowl? Frothing at the mouth old chap? Hey maggot, how come you look 20 years older than yer mama? Have you got bat wing arms too? Ahhh go on, show us your muscles
Hey Mariana, do you lift the toilet seat up when you take a piss?
mariana faithful said...
What a beautiful sight.
Thanks Mike.
March 12, 2008 4:17 AM
Yeah right you ass licker
What's she talking about anon? What is a beautiful sight. Please don't tell me she is talking about maggot
mariana faithful said...
It has become crowded, hasn't it Mike?
March 12, 2008 4:19 Am
I'm gonna bring you down mariana, that is my mission, Bye Bye, I always get my way...
Anon at 02.18
You've managed to bring the Maggot down in spectacular style so I think Mariana should be shaking in her shoes right now........
What's happened to Isabel? Has the MAGIC finally disassociated herself from the MAGGOT?
She hasn't done a runner but her poor sensitive feelings have been hurt by the nasty nasty people over here making fun of her great beauty. She feels invaded and is very sad.
Good work guys!
A Fan if you can stand it look at his photo blog, she's the only one who posts.
I think she lovessssssss him
Anonymous said...
She hasn't done a runner but her poor sensitive feelings have been hurt by the nasty nasty people over here making fun of her great beauty. She feels invaded and is very sad.
Good work guys!
12 March 2008 10:36
Ah Bless!
Isabel you are a Bloody Old Scrubber.
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