Congratulations on your new blog award, Mike! We all know how much they mean to you :)
"When I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds." "Others may forgive and forget, I don't - I see no percentage in it." "As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." Mike Hitchen
And Mike Hitchen said Brian Ladd was delusional....!
Maggot thinks that by over-playing, and in some cases embracing, the ridicule that has been heaped upon him, he somehow comes out the "winner".
Wrongo you drongo!
These sorts of immature ramblings prove we're really getting under your skin, which is a bit of role-reversal for a moggot. You can't stand us doing this to you. We're here for the duration maggot.
Anything you can do we can, and will, do better.
We can do anything better than you.
Because ours is all factual.
Yours is lies, spin and harrassment - and not very good ones either.
Hey Mike, did you also get the 2008 Bog Award for being able to go to the toilet without your momma?
See how Hitchen is so ruuuuuuuuude. He won't allow us to leave comments on his site yet feels it's OK for him to gatecrash our party. Ruuuuude.
Also means he's totally chicken-shit scared of us. Absolutely shaking in his shoes because we have a systematic plan which is being played in the background and he has no idea what's going on. He won't know what's hit him when it does.
And what's the best he can come up with? Flyers in pubs which he won't be delivering himself? See what we mean - chicken-shit.
Be a man for once in your life.
Crikey, he wouldn't allow comments on his blogs because all those businessmen and schoolchildren would see them.
Can't have that now can we?
He's the one who's scared. Hiding behind a blog with no comment facility.
He's the one who hasn't got a clue which ones of his members are supplying stuff here from his blogs.
At least he acknowledges there's only one of him now - everyone else is slowing jumping ship as he goes down.
None of his co-horts will allow comms on their blogs.
'Melted barbie doll' Hitchen you shouldn't refer to Mariana in that way it's very rude.
It's a foolish person who links themselves to Mike Hitchen now :)
I see on Bloggers Choice Awards you can be nominated for so much! There's even an award where you can nominate someone as the "Most Obnoxious Blogger" and I am rather tempted, Maggot.....I'd like to see you win that award and post it with pride on your blog, lolol
Hello Mike, I see from the stat counter you've come back to visit us again!
G'day mate! Can't keep away can you?
Cos, this is where all your ex supporters are now - in fact even Pebbles is here! haha :))
You're in America are you "David"? Why does your ISP show you from Australia?
Oopsie Mike, you blew that one, just like you blow everything you ever try.
Marianabanana takes the word of a self-confessed kink and takes it upon herself to destroy the lives of a man, his partner and their new baby. She knows they have suffered the agonies of their first daughter being stillborn, but thinks it is OK to orchestrate a movement that is designed to take a newborn away from it's mother when she knows SOD ALL about the circumstances.
So much for being concerned about child welfare. Stupid brainwashed bitch!
Marianabanana - I can't wait till you find me. I really can't.
You know that weasley little coward called hitchen? His blog is dying a death. He's had half a dozen posts today in there and not one of them is worth repeating. He knows he's beat and so do his followers. That's on a day when he's made a new McCann post as well. Obviously he's lost his "appeal".
I got a first aid badge in the Brownies..does that count as an accolade?
Well i'm still waiting! do I get an accolade for that cos thats all I do is WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
Depends how good you are at waiting. You have to be damn good!
Well i've been waiting some time now for Hitchens supporters to answer some questions and now I have to wait for David to answer some.
Do you think their silence means they know they are in the wrong?
Nah! I just means hitchen has gone to bed and they can't refer to him for answers until he wakes up again.
Was it best copy-paste of blog content award?
Because that is the only thing he is "damn good" at!
Sorry, maybe he is also very good at fooling himself?
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