Monday, 10 March 2008

Mona and Hobnob (maggot's larvae) research Ethel


Anonymous said...

Very sick - for them to go to all the trouble of looking up the birth records of a dead baby. I'm sure that "Ethel" was not the real name TFA gave the child....the Hitchen ghouls are stupid...duh....

Anonymous said...

What's the guessing about which one of Maggot's newly named bunch is the irrascible Mona. Cassopia?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for TFA the Maggot has transferred his fixation/obsession with Madeleine McCann onto Ethel. On his forum blog Mona, Isabel, Pamalam, Mariana and a few of his other remaining larvae have been busy looking up birth records to find out whether Ethel really existed in the first place. Isn't this exactly what they did with Madeleine McCann if I remember from his blog last year. For some sick reason he is obsessed with dead children.....I'm really sorry that he picked TFA and his family as his next victim.