Monday, 24 March 2008

Mike Hitchen poses as 'Anthony' to take his hate campaign to Bradford Poetry Society

click on pic to enlarge


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how this twisted, sick individual is now ruining a forum simply because he's desperate to get information on Jeremy Young.

For goodness sake someone get this arsehole arrested quickly.

Anonymous said...

But I thought Maggot said the police visited months ago and dismissed the complaint as a hoax by a sick nutter. So why did they come back last week and spend an hour with his mum?

Because it's all lies, lies, lies. The police have never visited Hitchen about his mother. More lies. More desperation.

Maggot, TFA has his baby boy safe in his loving arms. No thanks to you and your supporters.

Anonymous said...

Actually, maggot, it's YOU who's the laughing stock of the internet with your lies and made up stories.

Everything you accuse others of doing is actually what YOU'RE guilty of!

Anonymous said...

Know what, "Anthony's" post reads like the bleating of schoolroom bully who has been caught out.

Was them nasty kids over there made me do it, miss.

Then again, it would do wouldn't it. Fits in nicely with his warped need to pull his pants down for teacher/auntie to smack his spotty botty.

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